View Of Ilkley Town From Moors

Welcome To The Ilkley Town Council Website

Ilkley Town Council

Ilkley Town Council is based in the Council Office on the first floor in Ilkley Town Hall on Station Road. The opening hours are 10am – 1pm, Monday to Friday

The Town Council meets monthly and meetings are advertised on the council notice board and on our website.

A full council meeting is usually held in the Council Chamber on the first Monday of each month (7:30pm start).  There are also Committee meetings of the Council which are held at regular intervals.  Check our noticeboard and website for agendas and minutes.

There are five standing committees of the Town Council:

  1. Planning Committe
  2. Finance and Assets Committee
  3. Green Spaces, Environment and Sustainability Committee
  4. Community Engagement and Partnerships Committee
  5. Management and Staffing

Members of the public and press are entitled to attend all meetings of the Council but may only participate during the public participation agenda item.

Click here to read the questions raised in the public participation section, and the response from the Council

Town Council Services